Today is Holy Thursday. It was the Passover, the time when the Jews celebrated being set free of Egyptian slavery. It was the night of the tenth plague--the angel of death would slay the first born of both man and beast--this plague would be what led Pharaoh to agree to let the Israelites leave Egypt. The other nine failed to move Pharaoh's heart to cooperate with God's plan.
The Jews were instructed to kill a lamb, either of the goats or the sheep, and sprinkle its blood on their door posts. Seeing the blood the angel of death would pass over the houses of the Israelites. That night, the people were to eat the Passover meal and be ready immediately to flee Egypt. God would part the Red Sea so they could pass on the dry river bed. As this is happening, however, Pharaoh changed his mind and and sends his army to pursue the Israelites. As the Egyptian warriors are driving their chariots and charioteers through the Sea, the waters rush back and all of the Egyptians are drowned! The Israelites are safe and free from being Pharaoh's slaves!
In celebrating the Passover with his disciples this night, Jesus institutes the Eucharist: He takes bread in his holy and sacred hands, blesses it, gives thanks and says: "Take and eat of this; this is my body given up for you. He then takes up the cup of wine and says: Take and drink of this; this is the blood of the New Covenant poured out for you. Do this in remembrance of Me", which we were doing this night at the Holy Thursday Sacred Liturgy and which we Catholics do at every Liturgy!
At the Last supper, "after psalms had been sung, [Jesus and His disciples] left for the Mount of Olives. Then Jesus said to them, 'You will all lose faith in me this night, for the scripture says: I shall strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered, but after my resurrection I shall go before you to Galilee'" (Mt 26:30-31). Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing that His time had come to be glorified by His Father and to give His life as a ransom for the many, for you and me, to save us from our slavery of sin, from Satan who is out to destroy us of living in grace. Sorrowful to the point of death, Jesus, in His agony, prays: "My Father, if this cup cannot pass by without my drinking it, your will be done" (Mt 26: 42)!
Judas, who betrayed Jesus this night 2000+ years ago, had left the Last Supper after receiving Communion from Jesus--Satan had entered him and it was night, the Scriptures tell us (See John 13: 27-30). In the Garden, Judas approaches Jesus and says: "Greetings, Rabbi," and kissed Him" (Mt. 26: 50)--this kiss was the sign to the soldiers that this was the one they were plotting to kill. Judas, in short, was saying to the chief priest and elders who came to out to the Garden that night: Arrest Him. And Jesus was led away in chains!
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