As I reflect upon today's first
reading from Job 9: 1-12, 14-16, the question arises in me: Who is God and who
am I? Job wrestles with the same questions.
Who is God for Job? God:
- Is wise in heart and mighty in strength
- Removes the mountains before they know it
- Overturns them in his anger
- Shakes the earth out of its place...
- Commands the sun, and it rises not
- Seals up the stars
- Stretches out the heavens and treads the crests of the sea.....
- Does great things past finding out, marvelous things beyond reckoning
- Comes near me, I see him not…..
Who is God for me?
- God is wise in heart and mighty in strength in me and in you!
- God removes the mountains of pride and shame and hurt and fear in me, sometimes before I know it. He does the same for you.
- In His anger, God overturns sin in me, in the world: in the structures of our society, our church, our families, our workplaces, our legal systems; yes, in all systems.
- God shakes all that is not of God out of its place in me, in you and in the world.
- God seals up the stars and leads me into the darkness that awakens me to the Son and He does so for everyone!
- God stretches out the things of heaven to penetrate the things of earth, to penetrate the hardness of my heart and yours.
- God does great things in my life without me knowing His presence, His power, His mercy and love doing these things. He does the same for you.
- God comes near without me, or you, seeing Him.
Who is God for you?
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