It is interesting how Satan lures us into temptation and when we fall leads us to laugh and take pleasure initially in what we have done that is sinful, like enjoying gossiping about someone or something or looking scornfully at a homeless person or feeling good about ourselves when we walk away from the good God invited us to do or the challenge to make better that about which we are complaining. We may even find a way to congratulate ourselves when we lust for power, are envious of another's success, or jealous of anyone. Satan call also lead us to justify unjustifiable anger.
Saint Paul reminds us that we "have been raised up in company with Christ" in our baptism. We are strengthened by Christ in His Word, in the Eucharist, in Reconciliation, in our own love, understanding, compassion, mercy and forgiveness of others, and they of us: acts of God that begin with self and are possible because God first loved us.
"Set your hearts," Paul tells us, "on things above rather than on things of earth. After all, you have died" with Christ in baptism. We have also risen with Christ in our baptism, risen to being sons and daughters of God, made new and placed on a path to holiness by Jesus' death and resurrection. Jesus destroyed Satan's power on the cross. Being the Father of Lies, Satan, however, wants us to believe that we have no power to turn away from sin once we have fallen. Because of our faith in Christ Jesus we know that is not true. Yes, over and over again, we can reset "our clocks to "heavenly time."
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