Thursday, July 31, 2014

God's Way of Communicating with Us

In today’s first reading, Jeremiah 18: 1-6, the Lord asks Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house.  “Rise up, be off to the potter’s house; there I will give you my message.” Jeremiah responds without hesitation and, sure enough, there is the potter working at the potter’s wheel.  The art piece that he was trying to make did not turn out well so he started over until the vessel was to his liking, was truly a work of art to be admired and used for its designed purposes.  The Lord’s message to Jeremiah was addressed to the house of Israel. “Can I not do to you, house of Israel, as this potter has done?...Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, house of Israel.”

As I reflected upon this passage, the thought struck me that God speaks to us in ordinary language! “Get up! Rise! Be off.” Who does not understand that kind of language? It is so ordinary that I frequently pay no attention. “The Lord speaking? You got to be kidding. I’m too busy now.”  And I miss the opportunity of grace. I miss God’s message that was waiting for me or the message that God wanted delivered to another through me.  How sad that the simplicity and the humility of God trip me up into oblivion.  How often I continue in my stupor. I choose not to pay attention! 

Jeremiah paid attention! “Jeremiah, pray for us that we, like you, will “rise up, be off” to that place to which God directs us, that we engage in that activity to which  God is calling us, to that person where God awaits us. No matter where it might be, what it might be, God will meet us there. He has an important message to deliver to us through a certain person, at a certain place! Pray that we will have the humility to follow God’s mundane, humble way of making Himself known and sharing the Wisdom of God.

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