Saturday, February 8, 2014

Resting in the Lord

The apostles were all excited about the success of their mission experiences. People were being healed, demons driven out, and the Kingdom of God proclaimed. They returned to the Lord and reported all they had done. Jesus listened and then invited them to "[c]ome away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." How difficult to do that a times, at least for me.I have a tendency to always want to keep going, to seek the applause, the attention of others: "Look at what I did," is a natural human desire. A part of me, for sure, only wants the glory for the Lord but another part wants to be recognized. "Come a deserted place," Jesus says to me. I need to learn over and over again that the Lord is in charge. That whatever good I do is from the Lord at work within me. The glory truly is His and I need to withdraw into prayer and solitude to give the praise to the Lord, to thank Him, and be purified.

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