Thursday, February 14, 2013

Choose life, not death

In today's first reading, Dt. 30:15-20, Moses challenges the people to choose life, not death, to choose a blessing, not a curse.  Every day  we face the same challenge to choose to be one with God or with the world around us, to follow God's will or our own, as did Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the people building the Tower of Babel, as did the Chosen People in erecting a golden calf.  God's way leads to blessings; the ways of the world lead to chaos, to feeling enslaved, unfree, disgusted with ourselves, and in some instances cursed.  The Israelites, about to enter the Promised Land, had the choice of following Yahweh, the one true God, keeping His commandments, or following the ways of the pagan nations around them, engaging in the worship of idols of the pagan country they were entering.  The world of today lures us, as well, into its  idolatrous ways, promising us happiness if ____, security if____, love if____, knowledge if____, wisdom if_____.  "Be politically correct," is the latest bait.  Many fall hook, line and sinker into this world's  pit of lies, embracing such idols as pleasure, sex, consumerism, unbridled freedom, individualism, power and control over others, the use of violence to get what we want, and so on. 

How easy to be misled! Jesus says: "Take up your cross and follow me" by listening to the directions of the Holy Spirit communicating to you in the depths of your heart. "Remember," God says to us, "I have planted My Law on your hearts" (cf Jer 31:33 and Heb. 8:10).  Jesus says to us:  "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Believe in Me and you shall be saved" (cf Jn 14:6 and Acts 16:31)  from falling hook, line and sinker into the pit of lies proclaimed by adherents of worldly wisdom.

What choice am I making?

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