Friday, October 19, 2012

Created to give praise to God's glory

In today's first reading, Eph 1:11-14, St. Paul reminds us that "In Christ we were chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accompolishes all things according to the intention of his will..."  God's will for you and me is that we realize the good for which we were created, that we triumph over evil in this world and radiates God;'s glory in all that we do. In other words, ultimately, we cannot fail, as God accomplishes this in us. His intentions become our reality over time.  Nothing will separate us from the love of Christ, from realizing that love and revealing that love in our relationships, in our world, in the Church, in our families, in our cultures.  We   are God's work of art in the process of becoming a manifestation of God's glory.  We exist, Paul tells us, for "the praise of God's glory."  We do not exist for the world, for someone else's glory, or even our own glory,  but for God's glory alone. How am I revealing God's glory in my daily life, in my relationships, in my ministry/job, in my relationhship with my children, my coworkers?

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